We are so excited to have the opportunity to interview our special guest host, Ms. Cindy Tawiah. We are honored that she will be sharing her unique gifts during our May Gathering. Cindy has an extensive background in nursing, reiki, healthy hair care just to name a few. Most of all, Cindy is gifted in empowering women. There aren’t enough words to express just how gifted she really is. However we can tell you this much, you must come witness it for yourself and then you’ll understand why. I promise you, you won’t be disappointed.
BOND Girl: Tell us a little bit about you?
Cindy: My name is Cindy and a creative introduction to Chemistry changed my life and helped start my journey. My passion is women and beauty and my purpose is inspiring and empowering women…wait… there is more, and it will be revealed on the 17th of May.
BOND Girl: How significant is it for others to share their personal stories?
Cindy: We all have a story, a journey. We have all faced, despair, and hope, adversity, triumph, pain, joy. Our experiences shape our outlook on life, but should not define who we are. We cannot begin to heal the wounds of our past if we don’t acknowledge and speak about what it was and how it made us feel then and how we feel now. We continue to hemorrhage in all aspects of our life until we heal what’s been eating at our core…
BOND Girl: Cindy, if you could set the stage for the “Her Story Gathering”. What should our guest expect for that evening?
Cindy: Guests should expect: The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, as will not only set us free, but will help us become, healthy, happy and whole.
BOND Girl: What kind of topics do you expect that our guests will hear May 17th?
Cindy: Topics will centre around each woman’s journey: From feelings of insecurities, fear (in moving forward with our hopes and dreams), topics about how we uplift ourselves and what and who we turn to when we need inspiration to go on i.e. continue our journey.
BOND Girl: Are there any benefits when others are able to share their own personal story? What are they? Are there any drawbacks?
Cindy: The benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. The drawbacks maybe re living certain past traumas.
BOND Girl: What advice would you give those women who don’t feel comfortable sharing their stories in a room full of women many of which may be complete strangers?
Cindy: That s quite alright, not everyone is extroverted, or ready to reveal who they really are. They can turn to a confidante or journal to pour out their feelings. Remember speaking, acknowledging and sharing are all cathartic and help us to heal. It is like feelings of nausea. We always feel better when we throw up…
BOND Girl: Who do you think should attend and who could really benefit for such a powerful undertaking as this?
Cindy: Anyone and everyone, we as women go through so much and hold onto so much. We need a ‘Heal a Diva Day such as this’
BOND Girl: Are there any other thought’s you’d like to share with our readers?
Cindy: Yes, let’s make it a day to heal mind, body and soul. I am open and available to any and all who need help with this process and take a personal interest in helping any and everyone who desires to manifest and live life to their fullest potential. I may be reached on: 443-465-2333, email is: shadesofu@shadesofu.net and for any one experiencing hair loss, shedding, breakage, dryness or any other hair issues, log onto: www.divabycindy.com. You can also send me a question via ask Cindy on the website. I am here for you.
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Again, BOND has delivered! The stories were phenomenal and the love was surely felt. GREAT JOB